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2024-2025 Colloquium Schedule

FALL 2024

FRI AUG 30, 3pm, TBD  ||  “Where Did Geography Take You This Summer?”

WED SEPT 6, 3-5pm, CPB 139  || "Prison Captial: Mass Incarnation and Struggles for Abolition Democracy in Louisiana" || Book Launch: Dr Lydia Pelot-Hobbs (UK GEO)

FRI SEPT 13, 3pm, CPB 222  || "Geopolitics As Agrarian Geography: Notes for Agricultural Policy Co-Analysis" || Dr Garrett Graddy-Lovelace (American U)

FRI OCT 4, 3pm, CPB 222  ||  "Captive freedom: Retail investors, financial subjectivities and real estate assets under platform logic" || Dr Desiree Fields (Berkeley)

MON OCT 7, 3pm, FB 200  || "Theory and Explanation in Geography" || Prof Henry Yeung (NUS)

FRI OCT 25, 3pm, Gatton 191  || "Stories of Ancient Resilience in the Maya Lowlands: Ancient Maya Hydrologic Landscapes" ||  Prof Sheryl Luzzadder-Beach (UT-Austin)

FRI NOV 1, 3pm, CPB 222  || "Crippling Girlhood" || Dr Anastasia Todd (UK GWS)

FRI NOV 8, 3pm, Alumni Gallery, Young Library  || "Moving Ideas: Policy mobilities, social movement studies, and the spatialities of political activism" || 9th Annual Bailey Distinguished Alumni Lecture: Prof Eugene McCann (Simon Fraser U)

FRI DEC 6, 3pm, CPB 222  ||  "Slide Charts, Paper Computers in the Modern Age" || Dr Lauren Cagle (UK WRD)



FRI JAN 31, 3pm, Gatton B&E 191 ||  Dr Rea Zaimi (Georgia State)

FRI FEB 7, 3pm, Gatton B&E 191 ||  Dr Tianjun (Luke) Lu (UK EEH)

FRI FEB 14, 3pm, Gatton B&E 191 ||  Boyd Shearer (UK GEO)

FRI FEB 21, 3pm, Gatton B&E 191 ||  Prof Diana Ojeda (Indiana U)

FRI MAR 7, 3pm, Gatton B&E 191 ||  Dr Michelle Daigle (U of Toronto)

FRI MAR 14, 2pm, via Zoom  ||  Social Theory Reads Geologic Life: Prof Kathryn Yusoff (Kings College London)

FRI APR 4, 3pm, Gatton B&E 191  ||  Dr Emily Bergeron (UK CoD)

FRI APR 18, 2pm, TBD  ||  Social Theory Speaker: Prof David Pellow (UCSB)

FRI APR 18, 3:30pm, Gatton B&E 191  ||  Dr Luis Alvarez León (Dartmouth)