Tim Cresswell, University of Wales, Lampeter, The Politics of Mobility and the Production of Difference: Representing the Hobo and the Tramp, 1870-1939
Carl Dahlman, University of Kentucky, Exactly What You Feared: Gothic Readings of Republican Environmental Rhetoric
Lorraine Dowler, Syracuse University, Borders or Frontiers: Women's Political Space in Belfast, Northern Ireland
John Metz, Northern Kentucky University, A Geographical and Environmental Overview of the US Nuclear Weapons Complex
Alexander Murphy, University of Oregon, Territory and Identity in Contemporary Europe
Jeff Popke, University of Kentucky, Dismantling Apartheid Space: Reflections on Transition in South Africa
Scott Samson, University of Kentucky, Are you sure you are where you are? Mapping with GPS in the mountains of southeastern Kentucky
Laurel Smith, University of Kentucky, In the Museum Case of Otis Mason: Secular Stories of Origin and Gender-Specific Technology
Richard Ulack, University of Kentucky, The Atlas of Kentucky
Stephen White, Kansas State University, Changing Landscapes of Western Kansas: Colonial Exploitation or Rural Renaissance