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Bruce Rhoads, University of Illinois, “The Evolutoin of Chute Cutoffs on Large Meandering Rivers: Lessons Learned for Mackey Bend, Wasbash River”

Shannon Dosemagen, PLOTs, Lousiana State University, “Public Laboratory for Open Technology and Science: Open-source development of tools for grassroots science”

Chris Muellerleile, University of Wisconsin, “Turning Financial Markets Inside Out: Polanyi, Performativity and Disembeddedness”

Sarah Elwood, University of Washington, “Activism, Civic Engagement and the Knowledge Politics of the Geoweb”

DanSui, Ohio State University, “Open GIS: The next big thing in GIS research and education?”

Sameh Kotb Abd-Elmabod, Sevilla University, “Modeling the effects of climate change on soils in semiarid enviornments”

Maggie Walker, University of Louisville, ”Everybody Wants to Avoid Mexico: The NGO Dilemma and Geographies of Danger on the US-Mexico Border

Tammy Horn, Eastern Kentucky University, "Beekeeping Livelihoods and and Challenges to Creating Honey Corridors in Eastern Kentucky"

Patricia Ehrkamp, University of Kentucky, “Welcoming the Stranger?: Undocumented immigrants, Christian faith communities, and the fleeting spaces of belonging in the U.S. South”

Srimati Basu, University of Kentucky, “Playing off Courts: the Spaces of Adjusting Family and Violence”

Yingkui (Philip) Li, University of Tennessee, “Chronology and extent of glacial advances in Tian Shan, Central Asia”

Mike Goodchild, University of California, Santa Barbara

Shannon Bell, University of Kentucky

Sarah Whatmore, Semple Day Speaker, University of Oxford, “Between life and earth: cultivating geographies for a more-than-human world”