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Roundtable: Living Beyond Survival (DOPE and App Center)

Living Beyond Survival: Political ecology & mutual aid through simultaneous crises:



Crystal Felima - Anthropology & AAAS

Kat Smith - Kentucky Student; Environmental Coalition

Kathryn Engle - Appalachian Center & Appalachian Studies

Shaunna Scott - Sociology

Event Flyer



Tupelo gum and bald cypress (Nyssa aquatica and Taxodium distichum) are the main trees you are likely to find in perennially flooded deepwater swamps and stream channels in the southeastern U.S.A. Once established, they can grow in sites that are always inundated. However, they cannot germinate from seeds and establish seedlings in standing water. The substrate must be exposed at least once, at the right time of year, for that to happen. 

So how come you can find cypress and tupelo growing in perennially flooded areas, in standing water, that apparently never dry out? How do they get a start on the bottom of a stream or lake?

Pinetree Creek, an anabranch of the lower Neuse River, N.C.

The obvious answer is that they (or their parents, if they grew from stump sprouts or nurse logs) got their start when the site was not flooded, or always inundated, or that they got their start on some raised spot within the water that is no longer evident.

Harrison and Eva Lewis Bailey Distinguished Alumni Lecture

Moore Flyer


Please join us for our 7th Annual Harrison & Eva Lewis Bailey Alumni Lecture. Our distinguished alumni, Dr. Sarah Moore (UW-Madison), will return to present "Refuse and Refusal: The Radical Potential of Waste". Learn more here.

Dr. Sarah Moore
Dr. Sarah Moore

A reception will take place after the lecture at Commonwealth House of the Gaines Center for the Humanities, located at 226 E Maxwell St, Lexington, KY 40508.

W.T. Young Library, UK Athletics Association Auditorium followed by reception in Commonwealth House, Gaines Center


Last year, I wrote about how the warnings about human-accelerated climate change we’ve been hearing (and those of us in the business have been sending) for decades are, unfortunately, coming true. Almost daily, our news feeds remind us of this, or provide new evidence that Earth’s climate, and the environmental systems affected by it, are approaching unknown territory. We are seeing ocean temperatures, ice loss from the great Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets, storm and flood regimes, heat waves, and fires that are unprecedented in human history and in some cases unprecedented in Earth history, period. 

National Weather Service heat warnings for California


Racializing Space, Gendering Place: Intersectional Challenges in Gaming Research.

Utilizing Nirmal Puwar’s concept of space invaders, I explore the interconnected relationship between space and bodies, wherein specifically minoritized populations are stigmatized and framed as deviant when they are occupying spaces constructed by and for privileged bodies. The concept of digital space invaders refers to the process wherein minority bodies residing in institutionalized spaces are considered to be out of place, becoming ‘space invaders’, disrupting spaces and locations ‘which have not been “reserved” for them’. In the current context, I utilize the metaphor of the space invader to consider Black women’s occupation in digital gaming communities. Employing both Black feminist traditions with ‘post’- colonial feminisms, I draw connections in how these women are perceived, exploring the reproduction of deeply rooted prejudices and colonial legacies expressed in territorial concepts of belonging.

Whitehall CB 118

Department of Geography Colloquium

We will be hosting a Faculty Short Takes Talk featuring:

Rich Schein (Racialized Landscapes)

Rich Donohue (Hanging out in Public Bathrooms)

Lynn Phillips (Tree Hugging for Urban Forestry)

Nick Lally (Mapping Imaginaries).  

Short takes will be 8 minutes with time for Q&A about the great work these faculty are doing in Geography!  

UKFCU Esports Theater


As much as we’d like to think otherwise, the facts (data, analyses, results, observations) do not speak for themselves. As scientists and educators, we are obliged to explain and interpret the facts; to attach meaning to them. As things have come to pass in the scientific world, we are obliged to speak for the facts in English. 

This post was inspired by a discussion posted on by Alejandro Bortolus of the Centro Nacional Patagonico (Argentina): Is the use of English in scientific articles a real need for an international working language, or a sign of long-lasting Colonialism? The lively discussion can be accessed here.

You can’t rely on me for a comprehensive and coherent summary of the comments and reactions, but some key themes are:

•The (obvious) advantages of having a single lingua franca to support global scientific communication. 

•The (obvious) advantages of respecting and preserving local languages and multilingualism, and allowing authors and scientists to communicate at their best, which is usually in our native languages.

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