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Distinguished Professor Lecture

Saving the World: Reflections on the US Government and Energy Security

“Saving the world” must sound terribly overstated, but global warming has become just that kind of issue for the U.S. government. Countering the effects of global warming has become an integral part of nearly every U.S. policy, and it is clear that if the U.S. government is to save our country from the effects of global warming, it must literally save the world, as we all live in a shared environment. Also, the need to save the world is mostly an issue of our own making, reflecting our desire for better, more secure lives based on improved health, agriculture, technology, national defense and mobility, and we have been so successful at creating these lives that much of the world now aspires to live the same. These improvements, however, require ever higher energy demands, which have been largely met by fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas that generate the greenhouse gases which have primarily fueled global warming.

Through accidents of geology and creative U.S. technology, our country is now offering the world an alternative to high-carbon fuels like coal and oil, and that is shale gas, natural gas produced from organic-rich shales that abound in our country and in much of the world — even in Kentucky! These rocks have been known and ignored for a long time, because the technology to fracture them and allow gas to flow was available until recently. This technology has now made gas the “go-to” fuel to counter global warming, because it produces less than half the CO2 of burning coal and lacks the associated particulate and gaseous pollutants. As a result, it has become U.S. government policy to help wean countries from coal dependence, diversify energy sources, and encourage the switch to natural gas and other unconventional fuels.

Energy necessarily creates vulnerabilities and leverage among countries. Shale gas, for example, has made the U.S. a largely self-reliant, energy superpower and given it the leverage to further its environmental, energy-security and economic objectives, as well as those of its allies. At the same time, however, we must realize that gas is only a bridge fuel — a transition to a period of diverse, renewable energy, energy efficiency and sustainable development. It is hoped that this transition, what the Germans call “energiewende,” could ultimately result in a reorientation from demand to supply, a shift for centralized to dispersed energy distribution, and an overall democratization of energy.

Gas shales have clearly been a real game changer for the U.S., and potentially for the world, and for the last nine months as a Jefferson Fellow, I have been using my knowledge of gas shales to help colleagues in the Bureau of Energy Resources, Department of State, understand and assess shale resources. This has given me the opportunity to see how government works (or doesn’t) and how energy policy is formulated. In this talk, I would like to share some reflections on these issues with you. 

WT Young Auditorium

Navigating the Left Turn: Sexual Politics and the Citizen Revolution in Ecuador

Amy Lind is Mary Ellen Heintz Professor of Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at the University of Cincinnati. She has a Ph.D. from Cornell University in city and regional planning. Her areas of scholarship include critical development studies, international political economy, transnational feminisms, global sexual rights, social movements, and studies of neoliberal governance. She is the author of Gendered Paradoxes: Women's Movements, State Restructuring, and Global Development in Ecuador (Penn State Press, 2005), editor of Development, Sexual Rights and Global Governance (Routledge, 2010) and co-editor of Feminist (Im)mobilities in Fortress North America: Rights, Citizenships and Identities in Transnational Perspective (Ashgate Publishing, 2013). Currently she is working on a co-authored book, Decolonial Justice: Resignifying Nation, Economy and Family in Ecuador. Her work has appeared in journals such as World Development, Politics & Gender, Rethinking Marxism, and the International Feminist Journal of Politics, as well as in several edited volumes.

Co-sponsors: Geography Department University of Kentucky and Gender and Women Studies University of Kentucky

Student Center 211

Interrupted Service: Gwen Schaefer's Peace Corps Experience in Ukraine

University of Kentucky alumni really do get all around the world. Gwendolyn Schaefer (International Studies/Geography 2013) traveled to Ukraine after her graduation as part of a 27 month long service period with the United State Peace Corps. Unfortunately, Gwen and other Peace Corps volunteers were forced to evacuate from the area in February 2014 due to mounting safety concerns.

Here, Gwen tells us about her time in Ukraine, the people and culture of the nation, and what it was like working there with the Peace Corps.

National Conference on Undergraduate Research

The National Conference on Undergraduate Research is an annual student conference dedicated to promoting undergraduate research, scholarship, and creative activity in all fields of study. Unlike meetings of academic professional organizations, this gathering of young scholars welcomes presenters from institutions of higher learning from all corners of the academic curriculum. This annual conference creates a unique environment for the celebration and promotion of undergraduate student achievement, provides models of exemplary research and scholarship, and helps to improve the state of undergraduate education.

Learn more here.

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