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Geography Resources / Facilities and Computing

Facilities and Computing

 The Department's main office, faculty offices, and most graduate TA offices are located on the 8th Floor of Patterson Office Tower. Additional research facilities associated with the Department include the Gyula Pauer Cartographic Information Laboratory located in the basement of Miller Hall. This Lab provides for the mapping, spatial data analysis, and GIS needs of the Department and other campus units, and has resources for scanning, as well as high volume and large format printing. In addition, the Department maintains a teaching computer lab in Whitehall Classroom Building, This lab includes 24 all-in-one student computers, and is the home to the Department’s GIS (including open source commitments such as QGIS), mapping, remote sensing, and spatial statistics courses.

All faculty, staff, and students in the Department have unrestricted use of the University's computing center resources, which include supercomputers, magnetic tape and cartridge data storage facilities, as well as printer services. Additional campus facilities include the University's FACTS Center, which supports professional-quality digital output of graphic and text material, and the Social Sciences Teaching and Research Statistics Center (SSTARS), which provides computing and consulting resources for data analysis applications. UK's state-of-the-art W.T. Young Library houses 1.2 million volumes and is a regional repository for U.S. Census, federal, and United Nations documents. Opened in 1998, the facility includes 3,600 network ports, 600 personal computers, a laptop loan program, 21 group study/seminar rooms and seating for 350 in faculty/dissertation study areas. Through University funding, the Department subscribes to over 100 national and international journals.

Campus Libraries and Archives

W.T. Young
Special Collections 
M.I. King Map Collection